Introducing LOVING II
“More Photographic History of Men in Love, 1850s - 1950s”
We are excited to announce the release of the second edition of the Loving series: LOVING II Signed, Numbered, and Dedicated Editions 1 - 1000.
“LOVING A Photographic History of Men in Love”
Special dedications upon request!
LOVING Limited Edition Prints.
Available of select images from the book.
Press & Updates
View our TWO short documentaries. The first video about us, the collection and book “Loving A Photographic Hitory of Men in Love”. The second video chronicles response of our book from around the world. Click the arrow on each to play the videos below.
LOVING 1000 was a special, signed and numbered, collector edition of our book, “ LOVING A Photographic History of Men in Love ” that launched in the US and internationally October 14th, 2020. Proceeds from the campaign will be used to fund the launch and exhibitions in NYC and Frankfurt, Germany. We would be grateful for your participation. The last copy of the Collector’s Edition sold on 1/5/2023.
Thank you - Neal & Hugh
Start shopping now.
SIGNED Retail Editions Available!!!
And contact us should you need information about speaking engagements.
Where did proceeds go for the special edition?
LOVING 1000, the Collector’s Edition, was a fundraising campaign officially sponsored by Association for Historical Accuracy, Inc., a not for profit 501c(3) organization.
Proceeds will be used to fund the October 2020 launches and exhibitions in New York City for the US, and internationally in Frankfurt, Germany. All who participate will receive their signed and numbered edition, before the launches. Purchase before 7.4.2020 and be personally acknowledged in the opening of our book “ LOVING A Photographic History of Men In Love 1850s - 1950s".