Good Morning America: Interview 10/11/2023
Neal Treadweell and Hugh Nini searched for the oldest possible photos of men in same-sex relationships from around the world and throughout history in their new book, “Loving.”
ADVOCATE Article on “ Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love”
A Photographic History of Men in Love portrays romantic love between men in hundreds of moving and tender vernacular photographs taken during the 100-year period between the 1850s and 1950s.
LOVING. The Exhibition - Musée Rath in Geneva, Switzerland.
"LOVING. The Exhibition" A selection of 400 photographs of romantic male couple, from the Nini-Treadwell Collection, on display at Musée Rath in Geneva, Switzerland. June 6 - Sept 24, 2023. Additional exhibitions to be announced.
DAILY MAIL. Article on “ Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love ”
Incredible historical photographs show men - workers, soldiers and the upper crust - in love from the 1850s to 1950s when documenting their relationship left them at risk of being jailed
HUFFINGTON POST Article on “ Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love ”
New Book Showcases 100 Years Of Male Intimacy Before Gay Relationships Were Legal. “Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love" is a powerful testament to same-sex couples and the strength they demonstrated prior to the Stonewall uprising.
ROLLINGSTONE Article on “ Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love ”
RS Recommends: ‘Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love, 1850s-1950s’. The Nini-Treadwell Collection of vintage photos deserves to be exhibited as proof that same-sex love has existed for centuries
ESQUIRE MAGAZINE Article on “ Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love ”
There Was a Time When These Pictures Were a Secret. Now, They'll Finally Be Celebrated the Way They Deserve. In a new book titled Loving, more than 300 unpublished images of men in love are revealed for the first time.
WASHINGTON POST! Article on “ Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love ”
Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell's journey began in an antiques shop in Dallas when they discovered a photograph of two men, unmistakably in love.
That's amore. Tra mercatini e aste online hanno recuperato migliaia di foto di coppie di uomini scattate tra il 1850 e il 1950. Ora Neal Treadwell e Hugh Nini ne hanno fatto un libro. Pieno di pudore. E di dolcezza. Fin troppa...
ARTRIBUNE - ITALY Article on “Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love”
Amore senza confini. Intervista ai collezionisti Hugh Nini e Neal Treadwell. Si chiamano Hugh Nini e Neal Treadwell, sono una coppia newyorchese e hanno una collezione straordinaria di fotografie.
CNN STYLE Article on “ Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love ”
“It represented us, so we bought the photo, took it home and had it on our desks for six or nine months,” Treadwell recalled in a phone interview from the couple’s home in New York City. “It was a random find, and we never thought we’d find another one.”